Home > Artworks > Susana Nuñez Guala

Photo of Susana Nuñez Guala Argentina

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Born in Buenos Aires on July 14, 1942.

Studied at the National School of Visual Arts Manuel Belgrano.

After those four years of training in the basic cycle, and despite keeping alive interest in the arts-not repaint until the end of 2007, when he decides to dust off your old bag of paint and brushes, and enter...

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Born in Buenos Aires on July 14, 1942.

Studied at the National School of Visual Arts Manuel Belgrano.

After those four years of training in the basic cycle, and despite keeping alive interest in the arts-not repaint until the end of 2007, when he decides to dust off your old bag of paint and brushes, and enter the painting workshop led by Professor José Luis Crichigno.


2008 - V Pan American Day art contest Organized by the Travelling Avva Medical Center with his "Defending Rights," which was awarded the 2nd. Award, from about fifty contestants.

2009 - Splashes to the Grande, a competition organized by the Secretariat for the Elderly - Ministry of Social Development.


2008 - (September) samples collected with the Group of Artists "Tone" in the Art Gallery Alba, insurance company surety Alba - Avda Belgrano 873 - CABA

2009 - (August) Back to exhibit at the group show that Bonding takes place in Alba.

2009 - (December) man show at the exhibition hall Mosto & Cafe - San Juan Avenue corner of the CABA Jose Marmol

2010 - Collective exhibition in the Sala de Arte de Alba Surety.

2010 - (6-7-8-May) The Board of Avva through its Ministry of Culture and Education, presents the Visual Art Show and Art of the Bicentennial - which takes place in the Auditorium Hall of IESEVE - Wells 146 CABAoportunidad in which presents three works from its authorship.

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